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Jens Köster

Ich bin Dein Sales Coach, Berater und Trainer mit langjähriger Führungserfahrung im Vertrieb und Account Management. Mit meinem internationalen Netzwerk und der Zusammenarbeit mit Investoren, Distributoren und Verbänden unterstütze ich Dich dabei, Deine optimale Sales Strategie für Dein Startup umzusetzen!

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Startup Sales Strategies 2024

Your focus should be on the use of AI applications to optimize and automate your sales strategy in all phases. Whether you're just starting or aiming for exponential growth in 2024, here are 10 groundbreaking sales strategies that can revolutionize your startup's success.

Get Your Sales Things Done!

Sales Strategies

How Do You Want To Sell Today?

Test your sales knowledge in the interactive sales quizz!

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Sales Funnel Optimization

How Do You Want to Fill Up Your Sales Funnel?

Get more sales leads and convert them into clients!

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Sales Training & Sales Workshops

Which Sales Skill Do You Want To Learn Today?

Work on your sales skills today!

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Tools and Technology

Which Sales Tools Do You Want To Use Today?

Use these sales tools for your daily sales activities!

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Alex, Toronto

“Jens has an enormous amount of experience in sales and has helped me as an entrepreneur to optimize my sales activities."

Jessie, New York

"With Jens' very good support, we were able to build up our startup and got to know a new sales perspective."

Jeff, Vancouver

“The workshop with Jens really helped us to get our sales activities moving in the right direction. Highly recommended!”

Read my new lifestyle magazine

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Image by Skye Studios
Hier findest Du meine Bücher für Deine Startup Sales Strategie
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Screenshot 2023-09-05 um 9.58.24 Uhr.png
Screenshot 05.09.2023 um 9.57.33 Uhr.png
Listening to Music

Mein Podcast
„innovate me“

Mit vielen Verkaufstipps, Beispielen und Interviews rund um Startups und Vermarktung erfolgreicher Produkte


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YouTube Kanal

Mit vielen interessanten und aktuellen Tipps und Tricks für Deinen Startup Journey und den neuesten Verkaufsstrategien für Startups!


Phone: +49 (171) 81 63 601

Danke fürs Absenden!

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